
Josef Pleskot

AP atelier

/ Ing. arch. Josef Pleskot, AP atelier / 2024

Komunardů 1529/5170 00 Praha 7 - Holešovice, tel.: +420 220 876 201email:

IČO: 14908352
DIČ: CZ521203124

Josef Pleskot was born on 3 December, 1952 at Písek, Czech Republic. In 1979 he graduated from the Faculty of Architecture of the Czech Technical University in Prague. After graduation he lectured at the Faculty for a short time. For ten years he worked at the Regional Project Institute in Prague. Since 1991 he has been practising architecture in the office called AP atelier.

Ing. arch. David Ambros
MgA. Ing. arch. Markéta Jurečková
Zdeněk Rudolf
Ing. arch. Norbert Schmidt
Ing. arch. Petr Sýkora
Ing. arch. Veronika Škardová
Ing. arch. Jiří Trčka
Ing. arch. Jiří Vlach
Ing. arch. Eva Vopátková
Ing. arch. Michaela Zucconi

Ing. arch. Michaela Košařová

Marta Alterová


Stavba roku 2023 - Cena hlavního mediálního partnera časopisu Stavebnictví - cyklopropojení centra s DOV, lávka pro pěší a cyklisty, Dolní Vítkovice, Moravskoslezský kraj

Stavba roku 2023 - Osobnost stavitelství a architektury 2023 - Ing. arch. Josef Pleskot


Cena hejtmanky Jihočeského kraje Ivany Stráské – Pamětní zlatá šupina 08/2022


Cena města Ostravy /udělilo zastupitelství města Ostravy – 10. 11. 2021

Zlatá medaile děkana FA ČVUT za významné zásluhy o rozvoj architektury a urbanismu i za rozvoj Fakulty architektury ČVUT v Praze 2021


Cena hejtmana Moravskoslezského kraje – Opera Historica 2019 v kategorii Péče o památky obcí, měst a krajů za projekt konverze bývalého plynojemu ve Vítkovicích na multifunkční aulu GONG

Stavba roku 2019 – Cena hlavního mediálního partnera časopisu Stavitelství – Lávka pro pěší přes řeku Otavu v Písku


Cena Jože Plečnika, předního hradního architekta pověřeného T. G. Masarykem prvními úpravami Pražského hradu po vzniku Československé republiky, za celoživotní přínos v oblasti architektury a stavitelství.

ČDS and T 2018 Lávka pro pěší přes řeku Otavu v Písku



European Award for Steelstructures 2017 Bolt Tower, Ostrava Vítkovice


ČVUT Praha - Zlatá Felberova medaile
za významné zásluhy o rozvoj Českého vysokého učení v Praze

Cena Vladimíra Karfíka za významnou architektonickou realizaci
za soubor staveb v Dolních Vítkovicích v Ostravě 2016
Multifunkční hala Gong, Velký svět techniky, Nástavba Vysoké pece č. 1 - Bolt Tower

PRESTA prestižní stavby Jižních Čech 2016 – 2018 - Lávka pro pěší a cyklisty Písek

Čestné občanství města Litomyšle a klíč od města
udělilo zastupitelstvo města Litomyšle, 2016

Zelená střecha roku 2016
1. místo kategorie veřejná zelená střecha roku
Střešní zahrada u Velkého světa techniky Ostrava Dolní Vítkovice

Stavba roku 2016
1. místo za pětileté období 2012-2016 na základě výsledků odborných soutěží

Finalista České ceny za architekturu 2016
Revitalizace historické budovy Regionálního muzea v Litomyšli

Finalista České ceny za architekturu 2016 – revitalizace Zámeckého návrší v Litomyšli 

Finalista České ceny za architekturu 2016
Dolní oblast Vítkovic Ostrava


Stavba roku 2015
Nástavba vysoké pece č. 1 - Bolt Tower
Ostrava Vítkovice

Stavba roku 2015

Nominace na titul
Trojhalí Karolina Ostrava - 2015

Mies van der Rohe Award
nominace na cenu
Velký svět techniky Ostrava Vítkovice

Ostravský dům roku 2015
Hudební klub Heligonka
Důl Hlubina Ostrava

Mies van der Rohe Award
nominace na cenu
Bytový dům Procházkova, Praha 4 Podolí


Excelentní kvalita - Nadace pro rozvoj architektury a stavitelství – 2. místo za roky 2014 – 2018

Cena statutárního města České Budějovice
za významný a mimořádný počin, udělená zastupitelstvem města za rok 2014
Josefu Pleskotovi, Norbertu Schmidtovi a bratrům Josefu a Vojtěchu Prokešovým
Kostel Svaté Rodiny České Budějovice

Stavba roku pardubického kraje - Revitalizace historické budovy Regionálního muzea v Litomyšli
zvláštní uznání za mimořádný architektonický přínos
Revitalizace Zámeckého návrší v Litomyšli

Ostravský dům roku 2014
Svět techniky DOV Ostrava Vítkovice

Stavba Moravskoslezského kraje 2014
cena odborné poroty za rekonstrukci kulturní památky
Trojhalí Nová Karolina Ostrava

Stavba Moravskoslezského kraje 2014 – cena odborné poroty za rekonstrukci kulturní památky Nová Karolina Ostrava – Trojhalí

Gloria Musaealis
kategorie Muzejní počin roku 2014
Regionální muzeum v Litomyšli

Cena Klubu Za starou Prahu
za novou stavbu v historickém prostředí pro rok 2014
Svět techniky Ostrava Vítkovice

Stavba roku 2014
nominace na titul
Velký svět techniky Ostrava Vítkovice

Stavba roku 2014
Cena veřejnosti
Velký svět techniky Ostrava Vítkovice

Cena - Architekt roku 2014
Velký svět techniky Ostrava Vítkovice

Dům dvacetiletí
Multifunkční aula Gong – Ostrava Vítkovice
uděluje statutární město Ostrava ocenění vítězi ankety


Stavba roku 2013 - titul
Rekonverze plynojemu v Národní kulturní památce na Multifunkční aulu Gong
Ostrava Vítkovice

Stavba roku 2013
nominace na titul
Bytový dům Procházkova 3, Praha 4 Podolí

Stavba roku 2013 - nominace na titul  - Multifunkční aula GONG DOV, Ostrava

Stavba roku 2013
Cena veřejnosti
Konverze plynojemu na Multifunkční aulu Gong
Dolní Vítkovice Ostrava

Stavba roku 2013
Cena mezinárodního festivalu architektury a urbanismu Architecture week Praha
za nejlepší architektonickou realizaci
Bytový dům Procházkova 3


Nadace pro rozvoj architektury a stavitelství Rating projektantů a architektů

– 1. místo pro roky 2012 – 2016

Dům roku 2012
Multifunkční aula Gong Ostrava Vítkovice

Mies van der Rohe Award
nominace na cenu
Konverze plynojemu na Multifunkční aulu Gong
Dolní oblast Vítkovice Ostrava


V odborné anketě časopisu Reflex zvolen nejvýznamnější osobností české architektury dvacetiletí – 1990 -2009

Mies van der Rohe Award
nominace na cenu
Nové ústředí ČSOB v Praze Radlicích


Grand Prix Obce architektů 2008
hlavní cena v kategorii novostavba
Nové ústředí ČSOB v Praze Radlicích

Cena - čestné uznání Ministerstva životního prostředí v kategorii novostavba
Nové ústředí ČSOB v Praze Radlicích

Zlatý certifikát LEED
Nové ústředí ČSOB v Praze Radlicích


Stavba roku 2007 – titul - Nové ústředí ČSOB Praha 5


Brick Award 2004, Vídeň – nejlepší cihlová stavba Evropy
hlavní cena
Průchod valem Prašného mostu v Praze

Častno priznanje Piranesi – Piranesi Honorable Mention 2004 Piranesi Award
čestné uznání
Generální konzulát České republiky v Mnichově

Grand Prix Obce architektů – čestné uznání v kategorii novostavba Megafyt R – továrna na zpracování léčivých rostlin Vrané nad Vltavou 2004

Ministerstvo dopravy ČR - zvláštní uznání poroty – Průchod valem Prašného valu na Pražském Hradě v Praze 2004


Mies van der Rohe Award
Cesta Jelením příkopem Pražský hrad


Mies van der Rohe Award
Administrativní budova Metrostav
Koželužská a Zenklova, Praha 8


Grand Prix Obce architektů 2000
cena v kategorii krajinářská a zahradní tvorba
Cesta z Opyše do dolního Jeleního příkopu

Grand Prix Obce architektů 2000
čestné uznání v kategorii novostavba
Bytový dům v Horažďovicích


Grand Prix Obce architektů 99
cena v kategorii Výtvarné dílo v architektuře
AP Galerie


Mies van der Rohe Award
Megafyt R - továrna na zpracování léčivých rostlin
Vrané nad Vltavou


Grand Prix Obce architektů 95
hlavní cena kategorie
Radnice Benešov

Grand Prix Obce architektů 95
čestné uznání v kategorii bydlení
Vila Vrané nad Vltavou – Březová

Grand Prix Obce architektů 95
čestné uznání kategorie rekonstrukce
Restaurace Lví dvůr Pražský hrad

Grand Prix Obce architektů 95
hlavní cena kategorie novostavba
Megafyt R - továrna na zpracování léčivých rostlin, II. etapa
Vrané nad Vltavou


Grand Prix Obce architektů 93
čestné uznání v kategorii novostavba
Megafyt R – továrna na zpracování léčivých rostlin
Vrané nad Vltavou



/ Villa Dykova 14 / 2023

AP Atelier, Josef Pleskot, Petr Sýkora, Miloš Linhart, zahrada Zdeněk Sendler

It happens that the house has an indefinable trauma trapped inside it, which impresses you at the very first contact with it. It's as if the walls have a memory and hold a secret. When, after much thought, I decided to deal with the house in Dykova Street, I resolved to try to banish the longing from its walls. The new owner became my ally in this effort. The light let into the house did its work. It rent the veil of darkness. To confirm that the house was no longer a prisoner of gloomy moods, we decided that the windows on the ground floor would not be covered; anyone passing by on the street would catch a glimpse of the artistically painted ceilings. The house opened up and gave up its secret to the street, entering the public space. I think this decision liberated it, it started to radiate joy. The sensitively designed garden only enhances everything.

/ Fragments of memory The Treasure of St. Vitus Cathedral in Prague in Dialogue with Edmund de Waal, Josef Koudelka and Julian Rosefeldt / 2024

Kunsthalle im Lipsiusbau, Georg-Treu-Platz 1, 01067 Dresden, Germany, 16.3.2024 - 8.9.2024, AP Atelier, Josef Pleskot, collaboration Norbert Schmidt, Petr Sýkora

It can be complementary!
The exhibition space in Lipsiusbau is remarkable!
What makes it remarkable?
I'm going through it, exploring it, we're at the beginning of the work. Soon, the feeling that it is a rare space that raises its head, that makes you raise your head, begins to prevail in me. I obey and raise it. It occurs to me that I need to understand its cross-section - the cross-section. I study the section and perceive that the space is composed of heavy architectural elements - authentic old fragments and recently added new elements. But what connects them, what is their bond? I sense the pulsating space like a breath when reading a well-structured text. Heavy passages are difficult to read with long concentrated breaths. Gradually, though, the possibility of a light, relieved exhale comes. During this, stars of hope pop up before the eyes and bubbles of oxygen refresh the brain.
The space of Lipsiusbau is an artfully composed text.
It is to be the setting for the exhibition Fragments of Memory. The dominant exhibit is the treasure of St. Vitus Cathedral in Prague - a collection of precious artifacts that were collected and pieced together from scraps of history with the desire to preserve memory, to develop it, to build on it. To bear witness, to write a text about it.
There is a conviction that it can be done, that it is suitable, that such an exhibition can be of great importance here. There is even an exclamation: it can be complementary!
We will put the St. Vitus Treasure - a collection of hundreds of memory fragments - in a monumental cabinet and use it as another element to make the architectural space of the Lipsiusbau more compact.

It offers to make the complementary even more complementary.

The works of Edmund de Waal, Josef Koudelka and Julian Rosenfeld reflect on the theme of memory, explore memory, strengthen it, enrich it, continue to write it - they are to be part of the exhibition. They can add value to the testimony of an abiding interest in the essential. They can expand the text. The point will be to engage them in the rhythm of the reading.

And the library? A library holds thousands of texts, thousands of fragments of memory. Building it as part of the exhibition seems necessary. The literalness of the text need not be a bad thing.

This is the architecture of Fragments of Memory.

/ Steel footbridge for pedestrians and cyclists over the Ostravice River and the railway corridor in Ostrava / 2023

Collaboration with David Ambrose, Zdeněk Rudolf Steel structures Vladimír Janata (EXCON), concrete structures Petr Nehasil (Mott MacDonald)

A symmetrically suspended footbridge made of one massive pylon with two arms bridges the Ostravice River and the railway corridor. It connects the city of Ostrava with Dolní Vítkovice. Its strategic position significantly strengthens Ostrava's road network. The length of the supporting structure is 160.5 m. The footbridge crossing provides magnificent views of the industrial architecture - Ostrava Hradčany.

/ St. Peter and Paul steel footbridge for pedestrians and cyclists over the Berounka River in Radotín / 2023

Collaboration with David Ambrose, Zdeněk Rudolf steel structures Vladimír Janata (EXCON), concrete structures Michal Drahorád (Mott MacDonald)

A footbridge suspended from one asymmetrical pylon spans the Berounka River and connects the town of Radotín with Zbraslav and Lipenci. The length of the supporting structure is about 110 m. It replaces the footbridge from 1995 designed by AP Atelier and the static office Křístek, Trčka a spol., which was damaged by the flood in 2002.

/ The footbridge in Mladá Boleslav / 2023

Cooperation with David Ambrose, Zdeněk Rudolf steel structures Vladimír Janata (EXCON), concrete structures Petr Nehasil (Mott MacDonald)

The arched footbridge spanning the Jizera River and the cycling paths connected to it give the town new links. They connect the city with the supra-regional Greenway Jizera cycle route, bringing residents to the river and also serving as a safe access for the Škodovka workers to the U Česany area from the north. The new bridge is adjacent to existing structures on both banks. From the city it connects to the old landscape avenue and creates a stone amphitheatre overlooking the city. The total length of the steel structure is nearly 93m.

/ Hotel VP1 art / 2024

team: Ing.arch. Josef Pleskot, Ing. arch. Michaela Košařová, Zdeněk Rudolf

The buildings in question are located on Místecká Street, opposite the VP1 hotel. The existing buildings were used as a health centre and as offices for the Lower Vítkovice area. The absence of a full-day catering service for the VP1 hotel was the impetus to offer hotel guests a full restaurant service, not just breakfast as in previous years. The houses, placed in an "L" shaped plan, form a courtyard together with the enclosure wall (at Místecká Street), which houses the new restaurant extension, operating year-round as well as seasonally as a garden restaurant. The fence wall is preserved. The yard is built up only with supporting struts that carry the distribution pipes over the property. The style of the proposed extension refers to industrial buildings.

The hotel has a total capacity of 23 rooms. Of these, 6 apartments, 6 studios and 11 rooms and the interior restaurant space can accommodate up to 70 people.

/ Jitka Svobodová: Beyond the seen / 2023 2023 – 14. 4. - 20. 8. 2023 Kurátorka: Helena Musilová Autoři: Josef Pleskot, Michaela Košařová

Jitka Svobodová's works cannot be framed
Jitka Svobodová carefully chooses the format for her works. Its size and aspect ratio obviously play an important role. Each one is always carefully treated, whether by drawing or painting, right down to the very edge. The method of covering the entire format does not give the framer any possibility of overlapping it by even one millimeter of the frame. But not only that. The theme of the painting and the use of a real picture surface do not even allow for demarcation using moldings, mounts, free edges... If this were to happen, there would be a certain constriction of the work, which the author may not consciously, perhaps intuitively, anticipate. In order for Jitka Svobodová's paintings not to lose the important spatial overlaps that characterize them, it is simply not possible to frame them. Freedom's concept of image space is not limited by the format, but the frame would be.
The way in which Jitka Svobodová processes her themes is not centripetal. The plot of the picture is not concentrated in its epicenter, but almost absolutely outside it. Understanding is good to look for in all directions. The image itself, as a tangible artifact, captures an instructive slice of reality, which is part of an incomprehensibly boundless space. I believe that this is the great, unrepeatable and phenomenal thing about Jitka Svobodová's work.
Paintings and drawings also require a special placement on the walls that define the architectural space. They can be placed on white walls, but these degrade their visual light. They are fully effective when installed on banal gray, then they shine like pearls, they become windows (views) into the cosmos of weightless mysterious phenomena of things, into the space of the world, which is more unknown than known. The windows can be of different heights, because Jitka Svobodová's paintings have the ability to show us a scale that is different from the so-called "human" one. They allow us to experience real-world transformation that is educational and uplifting.
JP / notes of the architect / 14.3.23

/ Josef Pleskot: Cities / 2022

Museum Kampa 5/11 2022 – 12/2 2023

The exhibition Josef Pleskot: Cities focuses on three specific urban settlements where architect Josef Pleskot has completed the most projects: Ostrava-Vítkovice, Litomyšl, and Prague. The four halls of the Kampa Museum, however, present more than merely individual buildings and projects; the exhibition seeks to convey Pleskot’s approach to architecture and the work of his studio in a broader, more general context and to contribute to addressing the issue of the social role of architecture.

The project includes a rich accompanying program, a debate meeting with Josef Pleskot, and many other stimulating guests. In this respect, the exhibition is not intended to be just a balanced retrospective but also an experimental search for the key questions and challenges of today which are by no means limited to architecture.

curators: Norbert Schmidt and Jan Skřivánek

photo: Tomáš Souček

/ Renewed well in South Bohemia / 2021

Photo: Josef Pleskot

/ Farmhouse in South Bohemia / 2021

Photo:  Josef Pleskot

/ Dominican convent Prague - parlatorium / 2021

in collaboration with Norbert Schmidt and Michaela Zucconi

Photos: Benedikt Mohelník OP

/ New entrance areas of the GHMP Municipal Library / 2021

in collaboration with Michaela Košařová (born Dytrtová)

New furniture for the entrance areas of the Municipal library Gallery, 2nd floor, GHMP

Mariánské náměstí 98/1, 110 00, Old town, Prague 1

Photo: Tomáš Souček

/ DOV Ostrava Agricultural Museum / 2020

coauthor: Ing. Milan Šraml

Photo: AP atelier

A pair of halls, the so-called Veronikárny, were intended for demolition. The Dolnovítkovice park was to be expanded in their place. A group of enthusiasts for the construction of the Agricultural Museum in Ostrava convinced me and Mr. Jan Světlík that this is a good idea and that it will be worth preserving the halls.

On January 23. 2016 I drew the first idealized idea with a third hall levitating in the air. Enthusiasts liked it. The design was entrusted to Ing. Milan Šraml from the Vítkovice design group. Then I created several sketches, according to which the project and implementation were created. Milan Šraml has done so much work that he is definitely a co-author. However, there was little money for implementation, so there can be no question of perfection of execution. It was saved everywhere. Nevertheless, the result is nice, it is very close to rough sketches.

/ Pendulum / 2020

Curator: Norbert Schmidt

Academic Church of the Holy Salvator in Prague
Ash Wednesday - Good Friday 2020
Opening: 26th February 2020
Realization: Excon, a.s.

/ Rony Plesl Loft / 2019

in collaboration with Michaela Košařová and Michaela Zucconi

photo: Tomáš Mach

There are 2 studios in Šaldova Street, one of them belongs to Rony Plesl, the other to architect Vladan Běhal. Rony was his small one and Vladan his big one.
The original architect's studio with the showroom was rebuilt into a studio for designer and artist Rony Plesl.

The fundamental change of space lies in the vigorous installation and the decision to place it in the center of the layout. The construction is consistent from floor to ceiling. It is a strange hybrid - a machine that hides cavities, cut-outs, openings, and absorbs technical functions. The doubling of the columns caused structural chaos and brought anxiety into the interior. All building surfaces were unified. The original brick vaults are now abstract white, as are the walls (new and original). A perfect neutral background for artwork was achieved. Interesting is the floor, which has long been debated, the result is due to controlled chance. A layer of cheap, much diluted paint with a pinch of green was poured onto the existing concrete floor. After drying, the expected effect of a marble surface was created. A bonus of the interior is the enclosed balcony, which overlooks the courtyard, but there is no access to free space. However, as the
enclosed balcony is on the ground, it was possible to incorporate naturally growing greenery directly into it. It created a green oasis. On the enclosed balcony there is a small outdoor kitchen. Sitting at a cedar table, which was used from Rony's previous studio. It was dimensioned and attached to the supporting columns of the facade. The space of the studio serves as a gallery where Rony Plesl exhibits not only his works but also the work of his colleagues - related artists. Rony has her intimate office upstairs. On the ground floor there is space for his co-workers. The studio and warehouse are located in the interior of the building.

Usable area of ​​ground floor 151m2

Floor area: 51m2

Enclosed balcony 22m2

/ Old Masters in the Schwarzenberg palace / 2019

collaboration with Norbert Schmidt and Eva Vopátková

Curator: Marius Winzeler (National Gallery Prague)
Schwarzenberg palace, Prague Castle
National Gallery Prague

The permanent exhibition Old Masters in the Schwarzenberg Palace presents selected key artworks from the Collection of Old Masters (Hans von Aachen, Petr Brandl, Matthias Bernard Braun, Lucas Cranach, Adriaen de Vries, Albrecht Dürer, El Greco, Francisco José Goya, Hans Holbein, Jan Gossaert, also known as Jan Mabuse, Rembrandt van Rijn, Jusepe de Ribera, Peter Paul Rubens, Bartholomaeus Spranger, Karel Škréta, Simon Vouet, Michael Leopold Willmann and others).

The display concentrates on the period between the 16th and 18th centuries and the pre-Renaissance tendencies in Gothic and Antiquity art as inspirational stimuli for Renaissance and Baroque art. The exhibition is conceived as a dialogue of the national and international impulses, influences and changes in the spirit of the dialectic of forms, styles and motifs.

The original entrance to the Schwarzenberg Palace from Hradčanské Square via the courtyard is restored.

Photo: Eva Vopátková

Exhibition guide:
Norbert Schmidt, Marius Winzeler (eds.): Old Masters in the Schwarzenberg palace, National Gallery Prague 2020
czech and english version

/ Adaptation of the piazzetta of the Vrchlický Theater using the structural composition of Zdeněk Sýkora, Louny / 2019

Ing. arch. Josef Pleskot, AP atelier Spoluautor: Mgr. Lenka Sýkorová. Spolupráce s Andrejem Škripeněm, Veronikou Škardovou a Zdeňkem Rudolfem

A square black and white geometric composition by Zdeněk Sýkora from 1962 was laid on the square and was originally painted on the fire curtain of the theater and forty years was part of its interior.
(destroyed around 2001 during reconstruction of theater).

Completion 2019

Photo: Pavel Planička, Jiří Jiroutek

/ Zdeněk Sýkora / My nature / 2019

Gallery Zdeněk Sklenář, Schönkirchovský Palace, Mikulandská 7, Prague 1 - Nové Město

Curator Lenka Sýkorová, architect Josef Pleskot, author of photos: Martin Polák

/ The Church of the Sacred Heart of the Lord - New adaptation of the liturgical space / 2018

Collaboration with Norbert Schmidt

The altar canteen is derived from a basic geometric shape - a compressed half-shell. Perhaps
can evoke a cup, a cup or a well, a drop, or even an abstracted heart. The pressed half is fitted with a stainless steel spindle, giving the impression of levitation, while serving as a sepulchrum - the relic shelter. The curved shape of the canteen provides a certain extraordinary character to the new liturgical site, but at the same time it finds its reflection in the original central circular luminaire as well as in the semicircular section of the crypt. The process cross is mounted in the hole in the right front corner of the stage. A portable altar candle stands in its left front corner.

The stadium and the new altar canteen are made of Cara marble. The stone underlines the permanence of the liturgical site and its correspondence and equivalence with the existing main features of Plečnik's liturgical landscape - with the ambones and the old main altar and the sanctuary, which we retain its function. All new seats for celebrities and ministers are inside the original presbytery. Sedes of the main celebrant is no longer on the top of the old altar where the position collided with the tabernacle. It is newly placed on a small wooden staircase with a height of two steps. It is attached to the staircase of the main altar. It is located outside the main axis of the entire composition. Sedes is designed as a modern stainless steel towel, supplemented with natural cowhide leather that forms its seat and backrest.

photo: Petr Neubert

/ Pedestrian footbridge over the Otava River, Písek / 2018

Collaboration: Andrej Škripeň, Veronika Škardová and Zdeněk Rudolf. Statics: Vladimír Janata, Excon Beton: Petr Nehasil, Mott MacDonald

This is a two-legged steel bridge construction with a mid-dock. The long arm consists of a suspension structure with a span of about 82 m and a shorter arm consisting of a suspended structure with a span of about 46 m. All foundation and shore structures are made of reinforced concrete.

Opening: 2013

Photo by Tomáš Souček and Tomáš Malý

/ Dominican Monastery Prague - New Entrance / 2018

Collaboration with Norbert Schmidt, Jiří Trčka, David Ambros and Michaela Zucconi

In 2018, the first major phase of the revitalization of the whole building was completed, giving the monastery a new entrance, a new fort and a new vertical communication, thus opening the monastery to the public space of the city, while consolidating its inner bonds according to the current needs of use. The construction of the new communication node has also been made accessible by the baroque refectory, which has been used for several years as a cultural education platform Dominican 8. The new entrance along with the staircase, the elevator and the part of the corridors are characterized by the richness of the shapes that organically develop the original Baroque substance. It is supported by the modesty of materials and colors and further enhanced by light.

Opening 2007

Photo by Tomáš Souček

/ Jiří Kolář/Grimace of the century / 2018

National Gallery, Kinsky Palace.

Curators Marie Klimesova and Milena Kalinovska.
Collaboration of Norbert Schmidt and Michaela Zucconi.

Realization 2018

Photo: National Gallery and Eva Vopátková

Zahradní domek

Collaboration with Zdeněk Rudolf

Completion 2017

Photo: Tomáš Souček

Pohřební služba Helfi, Praha 4

Collaboration with Jiří Vlach, Norbert Schmidt, Michaela Zucconi, Jiří Trčka and Zdeněk Rudolf

Completion 2018

Photo: Tomáš Souček

Rekonstrukce Vavrečkovy vily ve Zlíně

Collaboration with Markéta Jurečková, Jan Mudra, Michaela Košařová, Zdeněk Rudolf

Completion 2017

Foto: Tomáš Souček

Galerie Zdeněk Sklenář, Schönkirchovský palác, Mikulandská 7, Praha 1

Collaboration with Michaela Zucconi

Úvodní instalace: 1685 dní a nocí
Instalace: Jan Merta a Josef Pleskot

Realizace: 2017
Foto: Martin Polák

Dominican Monastery Prague - provincial office

Collaboration with Norbert Schmidt and Michaela Zucconi

Completion 2017

Foto: Tomáš Souček

2 art pro umění, Galerie Zdeněk Sklenář, Litomyšl

Completion 2017

Foto: Martin Polák

Náhrobek k hrobce rodiny Červených, Hradec Králové - Pochovský hřbitov

Completion: 2016

B. Family House in Svitavy

Collaboration with Norbert Schmidt, Michaela Zucconi and Zdeněk Rudolf

Completion 2016

Foto: Tomáš Souček

Vila in Prague 6 - Dejvice

Collaboration with Jiří Vlach, Matěj Petránek, Zdeněk Rudolf and Eva Vopátková

Completion 2016

Foto: Eva Vopátková

Jiří Sozanský: 1969 Rok zlomu

Nová budova Národního muzea v Praze

Curator: Josef Pleskot

Realization 2016

Foto: Tomáš Souček

Tvář / Příběh ztracení a touha znovunalézání

Madona z Osíka

Collaboration with Norbert Schmidt
Curators: Norbert Schmidt, Jan Royt

Completion 2016

Foto: Tomáš Souček

Mucis club of Jaromír Nohavica Heligonka, Ostrava

Collaboration with Andrej Škripeň

Completion 2016

Foto: Tomáš Souček

Jaroslav Horejc / Mistr českého art deca

Galerie hlavního města Prahy, Dům u Kamenného zvonu

Colaboration with Eva Vopátková
Curator: Olga Malá
Completion 2016

Foto: Tomáš Souček

Landek Park, lidová restaurace

Collaboration with Jiří Trčka and Norbert Schmidt

Completion 2016

Foto: Tomáš Souček

Kaple Parlamentu České republiky

Collaboration with Eva Vopátková a Norbert Schmidtem

Completion 2015

Foto: Tomáš Souček

Foyer of baroque refectory - Dominican Monastery in Prague 1

Collaboration with Michaela Zucconi, Jiří Trčka and Norbert Schmidt

Completion 2015

Photo: Tomáš Souček

Návštěvnické centrum Dolní oblast Vítkovice, Ostrava

Collaboration with Petr Sýkora a Milan Šraml

Completion 2015

Foto Tomáš Souček

Extension of Blast Furnace No. 1, Dolní Vitkovice, Ostrava

Collaboration with Petr Sýkora, Jiří Trčka

Completion 2015

Foto: Tomáš Souček

Something has not been completed

architectural installation on the facade of the Chateau Brewery in Litomyšl

Completion 2014

Foto: Tomáš Souček

Stanislav Podhrázský / Neklidná krása

Galerie hlavního města Prahy, Dům U Kamenného zvonu

Collaboration with Norbert Schmid a Michaela Zucconi
Curator: Marie Klimešová

Completion 2014

Foto: Tomáš Souček

Restoration of the Church of the Holy Family in České Budějovice

Collaboration with Norbert Schmidt

Completion 2014

Photo: Tomáš Souček

Reconstruction of the Litomyšl Chateau Brewery - eastern part

Collaboration with David Ambros and Jan Mudra

Completion 2014

Photo: Tomáš Souček

A Hearth for Václav Havel - exposition

Completion 2014

Regional Museum Revitalisation in Litomysl

Collaboration with David Ambros, Marek Barták, Daniel Kříž, Jiří Vlach, Eva Vopátková

Completion 2014

Photo: Tomáš Souček

Science and Technology Center in Ostrava

Collaboration with Miloš Linhart, Petr Sýkora, Michaela Košařová, Zdeněk Rudolf

Completion 2014

Photo: Tomáš Souček

Triple Hall Karolina in Ostrava

Collaboration with Jiří Trčka, Jan Albrecht, Michaela Košařová, Norbert Schmidt

Completion 2014

Photo: Tomáš Souček

Blast Furnace No. 1 in Ostrava

Collaboration with Jiří Trčka, Petr Sýkora, Michaela Košařová, Zdeněk Rudolf; ARS Vítkovice; Zdeněk Sendler

Completion 2014

Photo: Tomáš Souček

Energocentrum, Dolní oblast Vítkovice, Ostrava

Collaboration with Miloš Linhart and Miloš Šraml

Completion 2012

Foto: Tomáš Souček

Conversion of a gasholder at the national heritage site of Dolní Vitkovice into a Multifunctional Auditorium GONG

Collaboration with Andrej Škripeň, Michaela Košařová, Daniel Kříž, Miloš Linhart, Zdeněk Rudolf, Jiří Trčka; Jindřich Smetana (scenic technology)

Completion 2012

Photo: Tomáš Souček

Palmovka Park II - Headquarters of Metrostav in Prague Libeň

Collaboration with Jan Albrecht, David Ambros, Zdeněk Rudolf, Andrej Škripeň, Jiří Trčka, Jiří Vlach

Completion 2013

Photo: Tomáš Souček

B. Family Residence in Litomyšl

Collaboration with Norbert Schmidt, Jiří Trčka

Completion 2012

Photo: Tomáš Souček

Apartment House Procházkova 3 in Prague 4

Collaboration with Petr Sýkora, Miloš Linhart, Zdeněk Rudolf, Jiří Trčka, Matin Slavíček

Completion 2012

Photo: Tomáš Souček

Apartment House Vápencová 1 in Prague 4

Collaboration with Jan Albrecht, Michaela Dytrtová (Košařová), Daniel Kříž, Miloš Linhart, Zdeněk Rudolf, Andrej Škripeň, Jiří Vlach

Completion 2012

Photo: Tomáš Souček

Bookstore Oliva, Dominican Monastery in Prague 1

Collaboration with Norbert Schmidt

Completion 2012

Photo: Tomáš Souček

Umělecký kabinet, Ostrava

Collaboration with Jiří Vlach

Completion 2012

Foto: Tomáš Souček

1 art pro umění, Galerie Zdeněk Sklenář, Litomyšl

Completion 2011
Spring 2012

Foto: Martin Polák

Galerie S Zdeněk Sklenář, Praha 1

Collaboration with Petr Sýkora

Completion 2011
zničena výbuchem plynu

Foto: Martin Polák

Interior of an apartment, Kosárkovo nábřeží, Prague 1

Collaboration with Machaela Dytrtová (Košařová), Miloš Linhart, Zdeněk Rudolf

Completion 2010

Photo: Ivan Němec

Aleš Veselý v prostorách Josefa Pleskota, Litomyšl

Curator: Jiří Lammel
Completion 2009

Foto: Martin Polák

Entrance space of Nostický Palace in Prague

Collaboration with Jan Albrecht, Zdeněk Rudolf

Completion 2009

Photo: Jan Malý

Sonberk a.s., Winery in Popice

Collaboration with Isabela Grosseová, Andrej Škripeň, Zdeněk Rudolf, Jiří Trčka, Petr Sýkora (interior)

Completion 2007

Photo: Ivan Němec

The New ČSOB Group Headquarters in Prague-Radlice

Collaboration with David Ambros, Pavel Fanta, Markéta Jurečková, Helena Kohlová, Daniel Kříž, Zdeněk Rudolf, Jiří Trčka

Completion 2006, interior 2007

Foto: Ivan Němec

Reconstruction of the Litomyšl Chateau Brewery - western part

Collaboration with Pavel Fanta, Isabela Grosseová, Daniel Kříž, Veronika Vašková-Škardová

Completion 2006

Photo: Jan Malý, Tomáš Souček

A2, A3 and A5 U Nemocnice Apartment Houses in Litomyšl

Collaboration on A2, A3 with David Ambros, Pavel Fanta, Radek Lampa, Zdeněk Rudolf; on A5 with Zdeněk Rudolf, Jiří Trčka, Veronika Vašková-Škardová

Completion 2002, 2005

Photo: Jan Malý, Tomáš Souček

Prague ZOO Lecture Hall

Collaboration with David Ambros, Isabela Grosseová, Zdeněk Rudolf, Jiří Trčka, Jiří Vorel (artistic cooperation)

Completion 2004

Photo: Petra Hajská

Studio Extension to the Ševčík Residence in Prague - Krč

Collaboration with David Ambros

Completion 2003

Photo: Jan Malý, Tomáš Souček

Apartments in the attic at Vinohrady, Dykova, Řipská

Collaboration with David Ambros, Radek Lampa and Zdeněk Rudolf

Completion 2002

Photo: Jan Malý

Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Munich, Germany

Collaboration with Radek Lampa (competition), Zdeněk Rudolf, Jitka Svobodová, Pavel Zvěřina

Completion 2002

Foto: Jan Malý, Tomáš Souček

Reconstruction of the Loučná Riverbank in Litomyšl

Collaboration with Pavel Fanta, Isabela Grosseová, Jiří Trčka, Veronika Vašková-Škardová

Completion 2002

Foto: Jan Malý, Tomáš Souček

M. Family Residence in Lhota u Dolních Břežan

Collaboration with Zdeněk Rudolf, Filip Tittelbach

Completion 2002

Photo: Tomáš Souček

Jelení příkop Pathway at Prague Castle

Collaboration with Pavel Rydlo, Jiří Trčka; Jitka Svobodová, Zdeněk Rudolf, Jiří Trčka, Jana Vodičková Kantorová; Isabela Grosseová

Completion of phase 1 in 1998, phase 2 in 2002, phase 3 in 2003

Foto: Jan Malý, Tomáš Souček

K. Family Residence in Lipence

Collaboration with Peter Lacko, Radek Lampa, Jiří Trčka, Isabela Grosseová (interior)

Completion 2001

Foto: Jan Malý, Tomáš Souček

Adriena Šimotová / Retrospect

National Gallery Prague, Veletržní palác

Collaboration with Jiří Trčka
Curator: Pavel Brunclík

Completion 2001

Foto: Jan Malý

10 století architektury, 20. století - Místo pro náš život

Prague Castle, Prague

Collaboration with Pavel Fanta, Pavel Rydlo
Curators: Miroslav Řepa, Zdeněk Lukeš

Completion 2000

Foto: Jan Malý

BDO Administrative Buildings in Prague-Krč

Collaboration with Radek Lampa, Zdeněk Rudolf, Filip Tittelbach

Completion 2000

Foto: Jan Malý, Tomáš Souček

Metrostav Administrative Buildings in Prague-Libeň

Collaboration with Peter Lacko, Radek Lampa, Zdeněk Rudolf, Jitka Svobodová

Completion 2000

Photo: Jan Malý, Tomáš Souček

Beyond Preconceptions: The Sixties Experiment

National Gallery Prague, Veletržní palác

Collaboration with Milena Kalinová, Peter Lacko
Curators: Jana and Jiří Ševčík

Completion 2000

Foto: Jan Malý

Prague ZOO Hayloft

Collaboration with Radek Lampa, Zdeněk Rudolf, Pavel Rydlo, Jiří Trčka

Completion 1999

Foto: Jan Malý, Tomáš Souček

Apartment House in Horažďovice

Collaboration with Radek Lampa, Zdeněk Rudolf, Filip Tittelbach

Completion 1998

Foto: Jan Malý, Tomáš Souček

Czech Embassy in Berne, Switzerland

Collaboration with Peter Lacko, Radek Lampa, Zdeněk Rudolf, Pavel Rydlo, Jitka Svobodová, Jana Vodičková-Kantorová

Completion 1997

Photo: Jan Malý, Tomáš Souček

Ateliér Karla Malicha, Praha Uhříněves

Collaboratin with Filip Tittelbach

Completion 1997

Foto: Jan Malý

Reconstruction of Lví dvůr at Prague Castle

Collaboration with Vladimír Krajíc, Radek Lampa, Zdeněk Rudolf, Jana Vodičková-Kantorová

Completion 1995

Foto: Jan Malý, Tomáš Souček

Benešov Town Hall

Collaboration with Radek Lampa, Zdeněk Rudolf, Jana Vodičková-Kantorová

Completion 1995

Photo: Jan Malý, Tomáš Souček

Villa in Vrané nad Vltavou

Collaboration with Vladimír Krajíc, Radek Lampa, Zdeněk Rudolf, Marek Švimberský, Jana Vodičková-Kantorová

Completion 1995

Photo: Jan Malý

Megafyt Factory in Vrané nad Vltavou

Collaboration with Radek Lampa, Peter Lacko, Zdeněk Rudolf

Completion of phase 1 in 1993, phase 2 in 1995, phase 3 in 1996

Photo: Jan Malý, Tomáš Souček

Památník bitvy u Jankova

památník, krajinářská úprava

Colaboration with Jana Vodičková
Completion 1995

Photo: Jana Vodičková
Photo by Tomáš Souček Photo by Tomáš Souček

Footbridge over the Berounka River in Radotín

Collaboration with Radek Lampa, Čestmír Dobeš, František Trčka, Martin Trčka

Completion 1995

Photo: Jan Malý, Tomáš Souček

Reconstruction of the former Adolf R. Pleskot Factory Hall into a Design Studio in Prague-Holešovice

Completion 1995

Photo: Tomáš Souček

/ New reception Subterra building - Mestrostav Palmovka - reconstruction of the entrance area / 2022

team: Ing.arch. Josef Pleskot, Ing. arch. Michaela Košařová

/ Holešovice courtyard - study of the reconstruction of Halls 27 and 28 in the Prague Market Hall / 2021

team - Josef Pleskot, Michaela Košařová

Holešovice courtyard
"A little island - an oasis at the end of the slaughterhouse by the siding, which everyone will be happy to inhabit."
Butchers, pastry chefs, pizza bakers, wine makers, all their guests and visitors,
but maybe even the vets upstairs. A little island with two houses and a yard between
where every window looks out on a menu of irresistible delicacies prepared
lovingly made by people who make them with artisanal confidence and exemplary
skill and who enjoy it. Hence lots of windows, shop windows, vistas and views. Nothing
is hidden, nothing is taboo. Everything inside serves a good purpose, there is nothing
to hide and nothing to be ashamed of. The customer must feel that he is not a nuisance and the seller
must have the pride of a good host.
The two tiny houses of the former Holešovice slaughterhouse have long since merged. It has become
...but out of some kind of compulsion, involuntarily, unnaturally. They were only joined together structurally.
After the demolition of the internal semi-provisional annexes, each house
regained its autonomy. They stand on their own, but the alley with the courtyard between them
more connected than before. People can enter the alley and the courtyard,
stand inside and feel their protection. The key to that secure connection
is a large tree. A big tree in a small backyard. Preferably a plane tree to give light
shade, not the dark black shade of the lime tree in the village square. Under a plane tree in the city, you can see good. That's what they know in England and France, and it used to be known here. Under the plane tree
...water, a fountain, a tub. Sure, a tub, that's enough. The slaughterhouse in Holešovice must be rebuilt
...a tub.

A všechno zprůchodnit, aby každý našel do dvorečku, pod platan, ke kádi s vodou
cestu. Aby si tam mohl vychutnat klobásu, dortík, zmrzlinu, piczu, sklenku
Co sledujeme? Jenom radost, nic víc. Veřejná toaleta snad bude blízko.:)

/ Bernard drive Humpolec - shop and parking P&P / 2022

collaboration: eng.arch. Michaela Košařová



The zoning plan establishes a land use rate corrective, this is in the nature of a social agreement and must be adhered to. The investor bought the land with this corrective in order to implement a programme for the good running of the business and for the convenience of the customers. It is the duty of the design to accommodate both as best as possible.

The Bernard Brewery is situated in the centre of Humpolec. It is situated on a relatively small plot of land, so its development is very limited. Out of necessity, it arranges its operations vertically with great technological creativity, growing in height. It has already pushed some, especially the dispatch operations, to the outskirts of the city and is continuing this trend to eliminate traffic congestion within the city. Downtown, it lacks parking and staging areas for visitor cars as well as business and supply vehicles. It also lacks a high-capacity company store with a good (tight) link to car traffic. For all this, the land with plot number 1906, which is very well situated in relation to the brewery and on which its deficit programme can be implemented, is an excellent place to do so.

It's going to be built on it:
A company shop with accessories with a total usable area of 547m2, parking for 41 cars for visitors, a service edge of the company shop for 5 cars, a supply ramp for 3 to 4 vans, 2 parking spaces for trucks, 2 parking spaces for buses, and a visitor's residential garden with an area of 1668 m2. The entire site is clearly divided into a yard for the predominant economic - supply operation and a yard with visitor parking, with the dividing line between the yards being an elongated company shop building of one underground and two above-ground floors. The residential garden is logically connected to the visitors' yard.
As part of the extension and revitalisation of the brewery, a large hanging roof garden will be created above the roofs, at a height of about 12m from the ground, in the middle of the town. It will serve the visitor centre and the people of Humpole. The magnificent garden above the brewery will become a symbol of responsible ecological behaviour of the operator of a food processing plant historically located in the very centre of the town with the ambition to be one of its eye-catching symbols. The construction of an outlying visitor facility on a green field - on the edge of the city - will create an important complementary part of the brewery at a distance of 600m.

The idea is:
Visitors park on the outskirts and are taken to the city centre by the company's public transport (or walk with a guide). The two complementary parts of the brewery will merge into one experience, as the architecture of the visitor's foreground will be in keeping with a design that has many of the attributes of ecologically shaped buildings, and which will also be used extensively in the design of the hanging brewery gardens. Massively developed climbing greenery on special structures will be the common denominator of both complementary parts of the Bernard Brewery.

/ Bernard Brewery Gardens / 2021

cooperation: Ing.arch. Michaela Košařová, Ing. arch. Veronika Škardová

The hanging garden of Semiramidina, the fairy garden of Jiří Trnka, the post-prison brewery garden... Beautiful comparisons, but in sum it can be the hanging fairy garden of the Bernard brewery in Humpolec.

 The history of construction has known how to make large cellars, which we still marvel at today, since time immemorial. The creation of terraces and even gardens above residential and representative halls is also known to history, but it was not and still is not a commonplace phenomenon. It is only in the twentieth century that the idea of roof gardens has been toyed with in all its sensuality. And its end, and our present, attempts a complete ecological orgy.

We can insulate roofs well. We have developed vegetative layers, we retain rainwater and can water well with clever irrigation systems, we have devised biosystems that are very supportive and beautiful, and we have bred plant species that are well suited to roof gardens. We know how to work with all vegetative levels - even large trees can grow naturally on rooftops. Vegetation becomes a legitimate building material from which we can create not only horizontal but also vertical façade gardens.

The Bernard brewery in Humpolec is situated on a small area in the middle of the town. It is very successful and therefore needs to expand its cellars.  Since it no longer has space underground, it is building them above ground as technology halls. Logically without windows and with pragmatic, well-insulated roofs. It's not, and it can't be very nice. The thought flashes through my mind: after all, cellars belong underground! Well, yes! The hanging fairy-tale Bernard Brewery Garden is in the world. And the cellars are underneath. The newly conceived lager cellar with its concrete structure will become the pilot garden platform, on which the gardens built over the existing roofs will be linked by a modular system of steel elements. Virtually the entire floor plan of the brewery will eventually be structurally covered by a system of hanging gardens, which will be accessed from the premises of the visitor centre under construction. A great added value, a great step towards ecology, a great step towards visitors and citizens of Humpole. A garden above Humpolec. A place for sightseeing and a pleasant stay, and wheelchair-accessible access from the street!

/ MUSEum+ Furnaces VP4, VP6 in the Lower Vítkovice area / 2024

team: Ing.arch. Josef Pleskot, Ing. arch. Michaela Košařová , Ing. arch. David Ambros, Ing. arch. Michaela Zucconi

MUSEum+. Industrial Museum in Ostrava, state contributory organization

MUSEum+ is not just a museum of memory. Despite the fact that its traditional museum exhibitions cover an area of around 5,000 m2 and approximately 2,630 m2 are occupied by depositories, it has a distinct educational ambition, which lies in an understandable metaphorical form of interpretation of the past, present and future. Its programme involves tracing the transformations of life and society over time.
The existing blast furnaces can be used to clearly illustrate the history of the industrial era and the production of its essential product - steel. In the exposed underground, the foundations of the dynamics of the changes in the technologies that ensured production are shown. The foundations will be uncovered in a gentle way using the methods of industrial archaeology. It will thus be possible to show interesting findings and evidence of the development that took place hectically on the site for more than a century.
The architectural concept chosen for the MUSEum+ solution allows the authentic appearance of the blast furnaces, air heaters, dust pits, auxiliary buildings and the foundry hall with casting platform to be preserved. The newly inserted staircases, lifts and platforms, together with the adapted existing vertical pathways, allow to observe and understand not only the complex spatial and technological context of the metallurgical apparatus, but also the working processes and tasks of the people who operated them.

The new entrance structures, which are substructured beneath the steel foundry platform at the base level of the parterre (+-0.00), contain all the features and introductory information that visitors from the present need to enter a process that illustrates the transformation of life over time. Scenarios and programs to understand the transformations will be thoughtfully and objectively served to them by MUSEum+. They should not be over-directed and manipulated, but they should feel right from the start that they have the opportunity to illuminate the industrial epoch and the social transformations it has caused. It will show to what extent we are heirs to its legacy and how difficult it is to come to terms with it.
We live our own present at a time when we are perhaps more than ever wondering what the future holds. We can predict much on the basis of a critically described past and a responsibly analysed present that we go through daily. What will be the future of our civilisation, of the planet and of humanity as a whole? The answers to the questions raised can be provided by thematic exhibitions, but especially by the programme located in a futuristic object that levitates in the foundry hall's attic above its technologically shaped floor. In the bowels of this object - a tube - a kind of laboratory for predicting the future, for example in the field of technology, energy generation and social patterns of life, can be operated using the most advanced digital technologies and artificial intelligence.

Somewhat simplistically and with some exaggeration, it can be summarised that the ground floor of the study focuses mainly on the lived present, the underground between the foundations contains the memory of a constantly explored past, and an imaginative future floats above the industrial landscape of the foundry platform.
in the form of an organically modelled tube. But in reality, everything is interconnected with everything else, forming together one meaningful whole designed for exploration and education.

Connection of family houses and entrance building Hradištko

collaboration with Michaela Zucconi

/ Family house of the Musils - Opava / 2019

collaboration with Eva Vopátková, Markéta Jurečková

/ Restoration of public space in front of the Church of Our Lady Maria Victorious - Baby Jesus of Prague / 2020

/ Albertov - Simulation center 1. LF UK / 2020

collaboration with David Ambros

/ The Závist Akropole – Appearance / 2020

Collaboration with Norbert Schmidt

/ Church of the Holy Ghost in Brno - Líšeň / 2019

Collaboration with Norbert Schmidt and Jiří Vlach

We wish to build a church that will be the natural center of gravity of the entire Brno Líšeň housing estate, which will mark and strengthen the terraces in front of it and offer breathtaking panoramic views. Create a meeting place for all residents.
We wish a church that will carry the depth of tradition and thus be completely contemporary. We wish a church that will accommodate different types of liturgy and personal meditation. We wish a church to which all generations would like to go. We wish the church, which in its expression will be the current cipher of transcendence, the threshold to what transcends us. A church that will provide home to believers as well as shelter and an inspiring environment for all who seek the essence of things and events, who want to step out of the hustle and bustle of everyday life and stop in silence. We wish a church that will not become uncommon under the excess of contemporary design.
The concept is based on the principle of a kind of yard covered by a light (statute) construction of a quadratic outline. The roof shell (tent) diffusely transmits daylight. In a contemporary way, it evokes the lightness of desert temples (tents), the airiness of the ribs of medieval cathedrals and the clarity of Baroque spatial plans. The courtyard of Jerusalem, heavenly, is surrounded by galleries, which are intermittently woven temple outbuildings (like chapels) with various accompanying (service) functions.

June  2019

/ Vltavska / 2018

Urban and mass study Vltavska Collaboration with Jiří Trčka, Michaela Košařová, Miloš Linhart

Philharmonic Hall - Vltavska

Hotel Karolina Ostrava - urbanictická studie

Colaboration with Petr Sýkora and David Ambros


Rezidence parková čtvrť - objekt IA, Basilejské náměstí, Praha 3 - Žižkov

Collaboration with Miloš Linhatr, Petr Sýkora, Eva Vopátková


Rodinný dům s ateliérem, Míkovice

Collaboration with Petr Sýkora

Zahájení 2016

Dostavba Městského divadla v Turnově

Collaboration with Jiří Trčka, Miloš Linhart

Zahájení 2017

Vrch Křížek/Parukářka

Dost místa pro všechny

autorský kolektiv:
Ing. arch. Josef Pleskot, AP atelier
Ing. arch. David Ambros, AP atelier
Ing. arch. Mgr. Norbert Schmidt, AP atelier
Ing. arch. Michaela Zucconi, AP atelier
RNDr. Jiří Sádlo, CSc.
Ing. Zdenek Sendler, Atelier zahradní a krajinářské architektury
Ing. Lýdia Šušlíková, Atelier zahradní a krajinářské architektury

Zahájení: 2016

celý projekt ke stažení:

celý projekt ke stažení:

Josef Pleskot - Zahrada

Návrh na úpravu Česko-Slovenského pavilonu na 16. mezinárodním bienále architektury v Benátkách 2018

Collaboration, curator: Norbert Schmidt

Rodinný rekreační objekt Labská

Collaboration with Eva Vopátková, Markéta Jurečková, Veronika Škardová and Zdeněk Rudolf

Zahájení 2017

Revitalizace sklárny Rückl Crystal, Nižbor

Collaboration with Jiří Trčka

Zahájení 2016

DOV Hlubina, Kofola - domov v srdci Ostravy

Collaboration with Petr Sýkora, Miloš Linhart, Zdeněk Rudolf

Zahájení 2016

Rezidence Park Kavčí hory, Praha

Collaboration with Jiří Trčka, David Ambros, Michaella Zucconi, Eva Vopátková and Zdeněk Rudolf

Zahájení 2014
AP Galerie

/ Andrzej Nowacki - Variations on black / 2019


Andrzej Nowacki

Milena Kalinovská - curator

AP atelier, Ing. arch. Josef Pleskot

/ Zdeněk Sýkora / 2018

2000 + 18 /127

Lenka Sýkorová, Josef Pleskot - concept, interview

Jaroslav Brabec - photography

Photo: Martin Polák

AP Gallery

AP Gallery is a private “laboratory” investigating relationship between architecture and the current modern art. The results are public.

The solution is based on the following prerequisites:

1) Isolation and sterile clean environment is harmful for the modern art, contrary to habitual practice.
Thus, it is hardly possible to disconnect the current modern art from its oxygen, i.e. presence of specific light.

Our gallery acknowledges that it is a part of a Prague borough of Holešovice with the view of the Vítkov hill, that it is located in an old factory with many bizarre connotations, that it is a part of AP Atelier working environment and, also, that it is a part of a specific intellectual movement. It does not prioritize any of these aspects.

2) Lack of natural light coming to the venue in a visible way sucks energy out of modern art.
Daylight coming to our gallery through regular windows or rooflights is clearly identifiable. Its quality is influenced by the materials used on walls, ceilings and floors. These are materials transforming the light into soft non-contrast velvet form.

3) Modern art as a specific phenomenon requires a specific real venue with all identification signs of modern architecture.
All architectural elements of our gallery forming the venue provide for its non self-centred nature and certain archetypal legibility. Thus, they help to create a very familiar, calm and specific environment.
In this sense, AP Gallery represents a specific venue for specific works of art.

AP Gallery has resulted from a long-term project “Venue for All Media” organised in cooperation with MXM Gallery. The core idea of this project is to work towards settlement of the debt existing between architecture and fine arts.

Note: The venue is designed solely and purely for the purposes stated above. Should it not be possible to evaluate it within the “Work of Art in Architecture” category, we do not want it to be transferred to any other category. We see its importance only as a contribution to the discussion under category V.

Josef Pleskot

Jan Malý

2000 + 18 / Architektural Photography

Photo: Tomáš Souček

Karel Miler, Petr Štembera, Jan Mlčoch, Jiří Kovanda

2000 + 16 / 3 + 1

Photo: Tomáš Souček

Tomáš Císařovský

2000 + 15 / RADOST

Photo: Tomáš Souček

Jan Kubíček


Photo: Tomáš Souček

Vladimír Škoda


Photo: Tomáš Souček

Jitka Válová


Foto: Hana Hamplová

Kurt Gebauer

2000 + 9 / CHRISTMAS

Photo: Jan Malý

Adriena Šimotová II

2000 + 9 / Oh l´ombre, ma lumiére
grafitové čáry čára

Photo: Jan Malý

Vladimír Skrepl

2000 + 8 / Miss Kosmos B. Š.

Photo: Jan Malý

Michal Škoda


Photo: Jan Malý

Jiří David

2000 + 6 / REZ

Photo: Jan Malý

Ivan Kafka


Photo: Jan Malý

Viktor Pivovarov


Photo: Jan Malý

Jitka Svobodová

2000 + 3 / NEXT TO ME

Photo: Jan Malý

Jan Merta

2000 + 2 / *1952

Photo: Jan Malý

Zuzana Hulka


Photo: Jan Malý

Antonín Střížek

2000 / OBRAZY

Photo: Jan Malý

Jiří Kovanda


Photo: Jan Malý

Adriena Šimotová

2000 - 1 / S KOLEMJDOUCÍM (II)

Photo: Jan Malý

Stanislav Kolíbal

2000 - 1 / 1 NOVÉ PLASTIKY

Photo: Jan Malý

Karel Malich

2000 - 2 /

Photo: Jan Malý

Petr Pastrňák, Petr Písařík, Vladimír Skrepl, Ivan Vosecký

2000 - 3 / froté

Photo: Jan Malý

Milena Dopitová, Pavel Humhal, Jiří Kovanda, Pedro Penillo, Štěpánka Šimlová, Beth Zonderman

2000 - 4 / jednoduchá sdělení

Photo: Jan Malý

An Exhibition to Open the New Workplace

2000 - 5 / painting

Fragments of memory The Treasure of St. Vitus Cathedral in Prague in Dialogue with Edmund de Waal, Josef Koudelka and Julian Rosefeldt

Address: Kunsthalle im Lipsiusbau, Georg-Treu-Platz 1, 01067 Dresden, Germany

Exhibition: 16.3.2024 - 8.9.2024

Author: AP Atelier, Josef Pleskot, collaboration Norbert Schmidt, Petr Sýkora

Fragments of memory The Treasure of St. Vitus Cathedral in Prague in Dialogue with Edmund de Waal, Josef Koudelka and Julian Rosefeldt)


Jiří Štourač – Belveder

Royal Summer Palace at the Prague Castle

8.6.  31.10. 2023
open daily, 10 am - 6 pm
The exhibition is organize by the Office of the President of the Czech Republic and the Prague Castle Administration.

On the occasion of the exhibition, a catalogue was published by Arbor vitae with photographs by Petr Neubert.

Jiří Štourač – Belveder)


Jitka Svobodová: Beyond the Edge of the Visible GHMP

Prague City Gallery

exhibition: 14.4.2023 - 20.8.2023

Curator: Helena Musilová

Author: AP atelier, Josef Pleskot, Michaela Košařová